HINT ON QZ-3 PROB REASONING CH 13-14 13.1. Use Bayes' theorem. 13.3. Observe what it says, if it makes sense, play with the theorem to prove. 14.1. a. Hope the simple network is apparent - cause to evidence. b. Note how P(Possible Causes| given effects) comeS out proportional to P(effects | Types of Causes). Then, compute the distribution and check which is max. This last one is not provided as input, so, you will have to observe some independence to compute them from what are given. A bit complicated, but I hope you enjoy it! 14.4. (Grad) The a. part is not an assignment but quite easy too! b. Compute P(B,E|a) = P(B|a)P(E|a), over all values of B and E, normalize, and check for P(b, e|a) = P(b|a)P(e|a) or not. 14.6. a-e are simple, no hints are needed. f. You do not need a priori information on handedness in society.