; hello6.asm - Print "Hello, world" from hello6.com using BIOS ; To asemble/run using MASM 6.15 ; ; ml /c hello6.asm ; link /t hello6.obj,,,,, .model tiny .code org 100h main: mov si, offset greeting ; pointer to next character L1: ; write the character pointed to by si mov ah, 0ah; ; BIOS write character, does not move cursor mov bh, 0; ; default video page mov cx, 1; ; repeat count mov al, [si] ; byte to write int 10h ; write it ; move the cursor forward mov ah, 3 ; BIOS get cursor row, column in DH, DL int 10h inc dl ; advance column mov ah, 2 ; BIOS set cursor int 10h ; advance to next byte to write inc si cmp si, greeting_end jnz L1 ; repeat until last byte is written ret greeting byte "Hello, world" greeting_end = $ + 1 end main