CSE 4101/4102/4201/4202 Computer Science / Software Engineering Projects

MWF 4-4:50pm

Philip Chan
209 Harris Center, x7280

Office Hours: MW 11am-1pm (or by appointment)
Course WWW Page: http://www.cs.fit.edu/~pkc/classes/seniorProjects/



First week Project planning and discussion with Faculty Advisor
Jan 27 (Mon) Project plan with 3 milestones (approved by a Faculty Advisor and presentation in class)
Feb 24 (Mon)
Milestone 1 or 4 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class)
Mar 26 (Wed) [after spring break] Milestone 2 or 5 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class)
Apr 21 (Mon) Milestone 3 or 6 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class) and
Scores for teammates
Apr 25 (Fri) Student Design Showcase

Project Opportunities


Current Projects

First-semester Projects

  1. Crowdsourcing with Chatbots
  2. Cybersecurity teaching
  3. Federated Learning of Medical Image Reconstruction
  4. Form Buster
  5. Tasteful Panthers
  6. Time Estimation
Second-semester Projects
  1. Allsky Camera Network for Detecting Bolides
  2. Class Schedule Planner
  3. COVID19 detection
  4. Digital Coaching App
  5. ITW Assessment (ACL tear) [with BME]
  6. KitchenSync
  7. Mechanatee [with OCE]
  8. My Home Machine
  9. PantherFIT
  10. RealEase
  11. Satellite Attitude Testbed Software Automation
  12. SCORE
  13. Sentiment Analysis for Software Feedback
  14. Sudoku Solvers
  15. Tomographic Medical Image Reconstruction using Deep Learning
  16. Transfer Credit Evaluator
  17. Web Application for Aqualab Sensor Monitioring and Analysis

Past Projects

Philip Chan