Philip Chan
209 Harris Center, x7280
Office Hours: MW 11am-1pm (or by appointment)
Course WWW Page:
First week | Project planning and discussion with Faculty Advisor |
Jan 27 (Mon) | Project plan with 3 milestones (approved by a Faculty Advisor and presentation in class) |
Feb 24 (Mon) |
Milestone 1 or 4 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class) |
Mar 26 (Wed) [after spring break] | Milestone 2 or 5 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class) |
Apr 21 (Mon) | Milestone 3 or 6 (progress evaluation by Faculty Advisor and presentation in class) and Scores for teammates |
Apr 25 (Fri) | Student Design Showcase |
First-semester Projects