Responsibilities of CSE students on Interdisciplinary Projects

  1. You are evaluated according to the syllabus discussed on the first day, so submit the requested materials by the stated due dates.
  2. The materials you submit are on your CSE contributions, please do not include MEE/AEE/BME/ECE/PSY/... contributions. That is, you need to understand what your responsibilities/contributions are on the project. [Generally, you can reuse the materials to be incorporated into larger documents/presentations for the entire team, or vice versa.]
  3. Your presentations in my class are on your CSE contributions/progress for Project Plan, Milestone 1, Milestone 2, and Milestone 3 (similarly for the second semester). To reduce time conflicts with non-CSE senior projects classes, usually we schedule your presentations on the Friday of the week of the due dates.
  4. On attending classes:
  5. If you attend the non-CSE senior projects class, please stop by my class on the due dates to drop off your hardcopy submissions (with a signature from your faculty advisor).
  6. Various guidelines on submissions are on the course website.