CCS Workshop on Visualization
and Data Mining for Computer Security
October 29, 2004
George W. Johnson Center at George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA, USA
Held in conjunction with the Eleventh ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security
Registration is available via the
ACM CCS web site
Information about security on large and complex computer networks
is high volume, heterogeneous, distributed, and dynamic over time.
Of interest to this workshop are two complementary methods to process
high-dimensional data into knowledge: visualization and data mining.
Visualization represents high-dimension security data in
2D/3D graphics
and animations intended to facilitate quick inferences for situational
awareness and focusing of attention on potential security events.
Data mining focuses on algorithms to accurately detect patterns in
high-dimension security data representing unauthorized
system access or computer network attacks. Papers with demonstrated
results will be given priority. A list of potential topics
includes but
is not limited to the following:
- visualizing vulnerabilities
- visualizing IDS alarms (NIDS/HIDS)
- visualizing worm/virus propagation
- visualizing routing anamolies
- visualizing large volume computer network logs
- visual correlations of security events
- visualizing network traffic for security
- visualizing attacks in near-real-time
- security visualization at line speeds
- dynamic attack tree creation (graphic)
- forensic visualization
- feature selection
- feature construction
- incremental/online learning
- noise in the data
- skewed data distribution
- distributed mining
- correlating multiple models
- efficient processing of large amounts of data
- correlating alerts
- signature detection
- anomaly detection
- forensic analysis
Information on last year's DMSEC workshop can be found at
Program Chairs:
- Carla Brodley, Purdue U (brodley AT ecn DOT purdue DOT edu)
- Philip Chan, Florida Tech (pkc AT cs DOT fit DOT edu)
- Richard Lippmann, MIT Lincoln Lab (lippmann AT ll DOT mit DOT edu)
- Bill Yurcik, NCSA (byurcik AT ncsa DOT uiuc DOT edu)
Program Committee:
- Cristina Abad, NCSA
- Mihael Ankerst, Boeing
- Daniel Barbara, George Mason U
- Ratna Bearavolu, NCSA
- Rafael Bonilla, NCSA
- Simon Byers, AT&T Research
- Bill Cheswick, Lumeta
- Anita D'Amico, Secure Decisions
- Stephen Eick, U of Illinois-Chicago & SSS Research
- Robert F. Erbacher, Utah State
- Eleazar Eskin, UC San Diego
- John Goodall, U Maryland-BC
- Sushil Jajodia, George Mason U
- Daniel Keim, U Constance
- Kiran Lakkaraju, NCSA
- Terran Lane, U. New Mexico
- Aleksandar Lazarevic, U. Minnesota
- Wenke Lee, Georgia Tech
- Yifan Li, NCSA
- David Marchette, US Naval Surface Warfare Center
- Chris Michael, Cigital
- Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Ohio State U
- R. Sekar, SUNY Stony Brook
- Adam Slagell, NCSA
- Salvatore Stolfo, Columbia U
- Soon Tee Teoh, U Cal-Davis
- Alfonso Valdes, SRI
- Jun Wang, NCSA/U of Illinois
- Kirsten Whitley, US DoD
- Felix Wu, U Cal-Davis
- Xiaoxin Yin, NCSA
- Xiaoling Zhao, ISI-East
- Yuanyuan Zhou, U of Illinois-UC