-- First line of input goes last, last line goes first

module Main where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TextIO (interact)

   (.)             :: (a->b) -> (c->a) -> c -> b ; function composition
   reverse         :: [a] -> [a]                 ; reverse list back to front
   T.lines         :: T.Text->[T.Text]           ; breaks text into lines at newlines
   T.unlines       :: [T.Text] -> T.Text         ; join text list with line terminators
   TextIO.interact :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> IO (); the input and the output is text

main :: IO()
main = TextIO.interact (T.unlines . reverse . T.lines)

--  ------------For GNU Emacs ------------
--  Local Variables:
--  compile-command: "ghc -Wall main2T.hs"
--  End: