class SimpleTime2 {
   int hour, minute;

     A constructor is convenient for the client. 
   SimpleTime2 (int h, int m) { hour=h; minute = m; }

   public static void main (final String [] args) {

      SimpleTime2 t = new SimpleTime2 (12,0);
      System.out.format ("%02d:%02d%n", t.hour, t.minute);
      SimpleTime2 s = new SimpleTime2 (7,12);
      System.out.format ("%02d:%02d%n", s.hour, s.minute);

      SimpleTime2 r = new SimpleTime2 (18,53);
      System.out.format ("%02d:%02d%n", r.hour, r.minute);

        Notice that 'new SimpleTime2()' is not legal as
        there is no default constructor provided when the
        user provides a constructor.