FAQs on the Comprehensive Examinations

What are the purposes of the comprehensive examination?

The comprehensive examination is to verify that the student has attained a minimal level of competence, and to aid the student in reflection on what they have learned.

What kinds of questions can be expected on the exam?

The examination is general in scope. The scope is not limited to the material in a particular textbook or to the material covered by a particular instructor in a particular course. Questions vary by topic. Some topics lend themselves to problems that can be solved, other topics lend themselves to expository explanations of concepts.

How many individual tests must I take?
Do I have to take courses in all of the listed areas?


How long is the exam?

Each test is designed to be completed in one hour.

Where is the exam given.

The room assignment varies from term-to-term. See the information and registration page for the latest information. School of Extended Graduate Studies (SEGS) students may take the exam at their site, and should contact their site director for scheduling information.

What is a passing score on each test?

A passing score for Master's students is 70.

Must I pass all tests to pass the exam?

Yes. The exams grades will not be averaged. You must pass all the exams in each area.

How will the exam be graded?

The exams are graded anonymously. You will not sign your name, instead you will use a code assigned to you.

What happens if I fail the exam?

Master's students have three (3) chances to pass the exam. If a third attempt is required, the student must write a letter to the Computer Science program chair petitioning to take the exam. On this third attempt, the student may request either a written or oral examination.

If I pass one (or more) tests, but not all of them, do I need to take all tests again?

Yes, but we reserve the right to make exceptions to this rule. However, you should not expect that we will make an exception; they will be made based on how well you did on the tests you passed and how poorly you did on the tests you failed.

Can I switch subjects if I fail one exam topic?

Unfortunately not. Florida Tech. Graduate Policy 1.6.5 requires that "As a minimum, the second exam must cover all areas failed in the first attempt". Thus, once an exam topic has been failed University regulations require that the topic be retaken.

What if I don't want to take the comprehensive exam?

Master's of Computer Science are encouraged to consider writing a thesis.

Where can I find more information about the exam?

There is an orientation meeting with students and faculty about one month before each exam. There are study guides available, and each examination area has a coordinator. See also the Graduate School Policy Manual especially the Final Program Examination section.

Can I bring anything to the exam?
  1. You must bring a picture ID.
  2. Books, notes, calculators, cell phones, and other electronic devices are prohibited during the exam.
  3. A foreign language dictionary is permitted.
Do I need to be enrolled in classes to take the exam?

You must be enrolled in classes to take the exam the first time. If you have finished all courses without taking the exam you will be charged a fee to take the exam (per the University Catalog, check in the Fees section for current rate). If you should fail the exam on your first attempt, you will not be required to be enrolled for successive (second or third) exams.

Are there any other rules for taking the exam?
  1. Yes, Graduate Policy 1.6 specifies additional rules for taking the exam.
I still have questions, who should I contact?

Contact your faculty advisor. If you do not know who your faculty advisor is, contact Karen Brown at Email.