Submit Server Web Interface

The Submit Server allows students to turn in files for class assignments.

Before submitting you must be registered with the server. All registrations are deleted before each fall semester; thus, fall registrations are still valid for the following Spring.

Submit Server Response

Unable to make a connection to the submit server.
The hostname was not recognized, was it misspelled?

Submission Form

To submit a file, enter the class and assignment code given to you by your instructor (class and assignment codes in a comment header will override values entered below) as well as your control code. Click the Browse button to select a file for upload.

To submit multiple files, use the Add Another File button to create another file upload box to select another file with.

Register for New Control Code

To register with the submit server, enter your name and email address below. A Control Code will be emailed to the address given.

Retrieve Control Code

To recover a lost Control Code, enter your first and last name below. Your code will be emailed to the email address that registered it.


Code Header

Submission parameters may go into the files being submitted. Using a header like this:

 * Author:  Iam Student,
 * Course:  CSE 2010, Section 02, Spring 2006
 * Project: Proj 03, Perverse Inverse


 - Author:  Iam Student,
 - Author:  Another Partner,
 - Course:  CSE 2010, Section 02, Spring 2006
 - Project: Proj 03, Perverse Inverse


 - Author:  Iam Student,
 - Author:  Another Partner,
 - Course:  CSE 2010, Section 02, Spring 2006
 - Project: Proj 03, Perverse Inverse

The tags "course" and "project" direct the file to the proper location. Each of these keywords must appear on a line of its own toward the beginning of the file. White space is ignored, case is ignored, as is everything on the line starting with the comma. The first example above is appropriate as the header for a Java program, but since the leading characters are ignored, a header can be constructed for most any line-oriented file format.