Tasks Completed: 1. File Storage Scheme 2. Data downloading capability - multiple files within an experiment are zipped on the server 3. Authenticated access for Sys Admin, Data Authenticator, and Contributor 4. Categories for Sys Admin 5. Partial views for uploading MicroPET and DTMRI data 6. Added List of Researchers and Machines obtained from Dr. Gullberg 7. Main page provides searching capabilities based on the following a. Modality a.1 CT a.2 DTMRI a.3 MRI a.4 PATHOLOGY a.5 PET a.6 MicroPET a.7 SPECT a.8 MICROSPECT a.9 ULTRASOUND b. Species b.1 Human b.2 Dog b.3 Rat b.4 Pig c. Data Sets c.1 Raw Data c.2 Processed Data d. Experiment Name e. Experiment Date e.1 Specific Date e.2 Date Range f. Subject g. Subject Birth Date g.1 Specific Date g.2 Date Range h. Tracer Name i. Researcher Name j. Machine Name 8. Date of harvesting for subjects and changed Primary key of subjects to subject_tag + date of birth 9. Age has scenarios 9.1 Not Harvested : experiment date - dob 9.2 Harvested : harvest date - dob 10. Changed the model layer using table inheritance. Please read the thesis document for details. Meta-data download along with file: done by Hui, pushed on 5-25-2012 Functionality to modify and update the files for experiments: already there Pending Tasks //todo Update the System Design and Table Design Diagrams (Partly done) //todo unit test cases for exp_file //todo unit test cases for experiment //todo RED * for required fields //todo Installation of Production system on Bandi //todo Review Parameters for SPECT //todo Review Parameters for MicroPET //todo Review Parameters for DTMRI //todo Import of PET data(Hilla data) into the database present on bandi //todo Import of DTMRI data into the database present on bandi //todo Data import tool to import experiments into the database. //todo New "Study" for grouping existing data files //todo When adding subject to experiment, we should be able to look up subject based on subject tag and birth date also //todo Uploading the same file to the same experiment more than once should be handled correctly. //todo String searches for subject_tag and experiment_name //todo extend subjects for human instance as humans may be identified differently //todo security issues to talk with Martin //todo Searching of Experiments, remove birthdate search and replace it with Age search (in approximate weeks). Min value/birth-dt and Max value/harvest-dt of age to be entered //todo for DTMRI also search should be possible with B-Values //todo Cancel upload/download //todo Upload status bar //todo Browser-independent no-chunking upload (on hold for now)