Bugs and Features » History » Version 4

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David Gonser, 03/03/2015 06:40 PM

Bugs and Features

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  • Not being able to open an html file

Not able to view an HTML file while it is in the archived folder. The user must extract the file to be able to view what the document contains.

STATUS Fixed: Nika
In Master Branch No, in Nika's branch

  • Not able to open pictures from 7-zip

Not able to view a picture in the archived folder. The user must extract the picture in order to see the picture.

STATUS Fixed: Nika
In Master Branch No, in Nika's branch

  • Add ESC key option to close 7zip

This feature was requested in order to escape from the 7-zip GUI by use of the esc key. This would allow for a quick exit without using the mouse.

STATUS Implemented: Austin/David
In Master Branch Yes: 8e778d8a

  • Smart Extract Feature (ticket # 1107)

This would allow the user to extract all files to a new folder if there is more than one file to extract.

STATUS In work
In Master Branch No

  • 5th button on mouse (Back button) Feature (ticket # 986)

There are no mouse button configurations in the 7-zip GUI. So by adding this feature the user would not have to release his mouse in order to close out the program.

STATUS In work. Not sure if we can capture button as Windows API doesn't seem to allow...
In Master Branch No

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