Selected Publications
Nuclear Imaging
- ““The Importance of Regularization and Parameter Selection for Time Activity Curves Estimation in Dynamic SPECT,” Mahmoud Abdalah, Rostyslav Boutchko, Debasis Mitra, Grant T. Gullberg. (in press) IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging, Seoul, Korea, October 2013.
- ““Image reconstruction with a primal–dual algorithm,” Shi Chen, Hui Pan, Mahmoud Abdalah, Rostyslav Boutchko, Debasis Mitra, Grant T. Gullberg. Presented to the Annual Conference of Society of Nuclear Medicine, Seattle, Washington, 2014.
- ““A Dynamic Regularization for Time Activity Curve Estimation in Dynamic Pinhole SPECT,” Mahmoud Abdalah, Rostyslav Boutchko, Debasis Mitra, Shi Chen, and Grant T. Gullberg. Oral Presentation to The Fully-3D conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, June, 2013.
- ““Parallelization of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in Multiple Modalities,” D. Mitra, H.Pan, Fares Alhassen, and Youngho Seo. Accepted to the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA, 2014.
- “"SinoCor: Sinogram Level Motion Correction in SPECT", Debasis Mitra, Daniel Eiland, Rostyslav Boutchko, Grant T. Gullberg. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Software Licensee CR-3016, 2013
Muon Tomography
- ““A Volume Clearing Algorithm for Muon Tomography” D. Mitra, K. Day, and M. Hohlmann. Accepted to the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA, 2014.
- “Imaging of high-Z material for nuclear contraband detection with a minimal
prototype of a muon tomography station based on GEM detectors,” "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research A",, 652 (2011) 16–20
Kondo Gnanvo, Leonard V. Grosso III, Marcus Hohlman, Judson B. Locke, Amilkar Quintero, and Debasis Mitra.
- “GEANT4 Simulation of a Cosmic Ray Muon Tomography System with Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors for the Detection of High-Z Materials,” "Transactions on Nuclear Science", VOL. 56, NO. 3, JUNE 2009
Marcus Hohlmann, Patrick Ford, Kondo Gnanvo, Jennifer Helsby, David Pena, Richard Hoch, and
Debasis Mitra.
- “Muon Tomography Algorithms for Nuclear
Threat Detection,” "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" series,
Springer Verlag, June 2009, (Proc. of the 22nd International Conference
on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent
Systems - IEA/AIE-2009)
Richard Hoch, Debasis Mitra, Marcus Hohlman, and Kondo Gnanvo.
- “Performance Expectations for a Tomography
System Using Cosmic Ray Muons and Micro Pattern Gas Detectors for the Detection
of Nuclear Contraband,” in Proc. of the IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. 2008, Dresden,
Germany, pp. 1278-1284, IEEE Cat. CFP08NSS-CDR, ISBN 978-1-4244-2715-4,
ISSN 1082-3654, e-Print: arXiv:0812.1007.
Kondo Gnanvo, Patrick Ford, Jennifer Helsby, Richard Hoch, Debasis Mitra,
and Marcus Hohlman.
Data & Knowledge Management
- ““ReMI: An Object-relational Image Database for Nuclear Medicine Research,” Boutchko, Rostyslav; Fernandes, Antall; Pan, Hui; Abdalah, Mahmoud; Giannakidis, Archontis; Boswell, Martin; Mitra, Debasis; Gullberg, Grant T. Annual Conference of Society of Nuclear Medicine, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2013.
- ““A Data Management System with Web Interface for Pre-clinical Multi-modality Imaging: ReMI,” Mitra, Debasis ; Pan, Hui; Abdalah, Mahmoud; Boutchko, Rostyslav; Boswell, Martin; and Gullberg, Grant T. The Sixth World Molecular Imaging Congress, Savannah GA., 2013.
- ““Three generations of research in computational creativity and beyond,” in Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium on Creative Intelligent Systems (AAAI Tech Report). (Eds.) Ventura, D., Maher, M. L., and Colton, S.; Stanford, California, March 2008. Debasis Mitra.
Computatinal Molecular Biology
- ““Correlogram-based method for comparing biological sequences,” Debasis Mitra, Gandhali Samant and Kuntal Sengupta, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 06), Annecy (France), LNAI Springer Verlag, 2006.
- ““MORPHEUS - Motif Oriented Representations to Purge Hostile Events from Unlabeled Sequences,” Gaurav Tandon, Debasis Mitra, and Philip K. Chan, Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security, ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security, Washington D.C., October, 2004. http:/
- ““Data cleaning and enriched representations for anomaly detection in system calls,” (Book Chapter) G. Tandon, P. Chan, and D. Mitra, In Machine Learning and Data Mining for Computer Security: Methods and Applications, M. Maloof (editor), Springer, 2005.
- ““Motif-oriented Representation of Sequences for a Host-based Intrusion Detection System,” Gaurav Tandon, Debasis Mitra, and Philip K. Chan, Proceedings of the IEA/AIE-2004 conference, Springer Lecture Notes on AI, pp605-615. http:/
Spatio-temporal Reasoning
- “Explanation Generation over Temporal Interval Algebra,”
in Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Representation and Reasoning: Trends and Future Directions.' Shyamanta M. Hazarika (Editor), Information Science Publishing, ISBN: 1616928689, August 1, 2010.
Debasis Mitra and Florent Launay.
- “Spatial-reasoning for Agents in Multiple Dimensions,”
Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 774-791, August, 2002
Debasis Mitra, and Gerard Ligozat.
- ““Spatial and Temporal Reasoning: Beyond Allen's Calculus.,” Gerard Ligozat, Debasis Mitra and Jean-Francois Condotta, AI Communications (European journal on Artificial Intelligence), Vol. 17, no. 4, pp 223—233, 2004.
- ““Modeling and Reasoning with Star Calculus: An Extended Abstract,” Debasis Mitra, Eighth International Symposium on AI and Math, January 2004, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
- ““Qualitative Direction Calculi with Arbitrary Granularity,” Jochen Renz and Debasis Mitra, Pacific Rim Conference on AI (PRICAI), 2004.
- “"Characterization of Temporal Sequences in Geophysical Databases," Arie Shoshani, Preston Holland, Janet Jacobsen and Debasis Mitra, Proceedings of the Statistical and Scientific Database Management (SSDBM) conference, Sweden, 1996.
Mathematical Physics
- “"The Lorentz group in oscillator realization III - the group SO(3,1)," D. Basu and D. Mitra, Journal of Mathematical Physics (AIP), Vol 22, p 946, 1981.
- “"The Lorentz group in oscillator realization II - integral transform and matrix elements of SO(2,1)," D. Basu and D. Mitra, Journal of Mathematical Physics (AIP), Vol 21, p 636, 1980.
For a full list of all publications please see the
full CV