Previous Classes
What I do in my Free Time

Here's my understanding of the agreements / decisions / announcements from last night:

(a)     Course evaluation
        80% your seminar (if you present twice, I'll take both into account)
        20% participation in seminars of others
        homework (not for credit, but I will take it into account at your request for participation credit)

(b)     Topic scheduling

A seminar topic requires AT LEAST two weeks of work. I suggest that you start working on your topic sooner than that. What I am saying is that we have to coordinate in advance.

  • Tuesday or (at the very latest) Wednesday MORNING, one week before your seminar, meet with me to review your seminar material and agree on the reading assignments for next week
  • Tuesday (or at the very latest) Wednesday BEFORE class, email your reading assignments to the class.
  • Wednesday, one week before your seminar. If you are handing out papers to read, print them and bring them to this class
  • Thursday or Friday before your seminar -- do a practice run privately with me, especially if you are inexperienced with seminars. I will make suggestions for improvements. My goal is a polished presentation on the day of your seminar, for which I will gladly give you a good mark. NOTE: I WILL NOT DESIGN YOUR SEMINAR FOR YOU. THE DEPTH OF SUGGESTIONS THAT I GIVE WILL VARY BASED ON THE QUALITY OF YOUR STARTING MATERIAL. IF YOU START WITH WEAK STUFF, AND DO EVERYTHING THAT I SUGGEST, THAT MIGHT ONLY BRING YOU UP FROM A "D" TO A "C".
  • Wednesday -- seminar.
(c)     Topic assignments so far

Jan 23          Research papers part 2  -- becky
                Standards for Ph.D. and M.Sc. -- Cem with help of Lucia, Ramon, Giri and Jiahui
Jan 30          Sampling techniques -- Amit
Feb 6           Case studies -- Pat
Feb 13  Ethics of research -- Tim
Feb 20
Feb 27  NO CLASS
March 6 NO CLASS
March 13        Interviewing skills -- Helayne
March 20        Probably, interviewing skills follow-up (Cem & ???)
March 27
April 3
April 10
April 17
April 24
May 1           NO EXAM

(d)     Assigned but no date yet

Basic statistics review (includes basic hypothesis testing, descriptive stats, fitting equations to data and how to lie with statistics) Pat.
  • Note on the stats review that much of it will be reference to the course text, Fraenkel & Wallen. If there is a live presentation, it will be half a class and will focus on how to lie with statistics.
Measurement -- Nadim

Survey design -- Ramon

Demonstrative research -- Giri

Model-based research -- Lucia

Threats to validity - Ibrahim

How do I know when my project is in trouble? Attila

(e)     Not yet assigned, but important topics

Typical quantitative experimental designs

Narrowing and focusing a research topic

More research papers (review / evaluate)

Control of variables in experiments

(f)     Additional tasks

Preparing reference lists that adapt Fraenkel / Wallen to the computing context. I'll call for volunteers.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
 --- Mahatma Gandhi.

Cem Kaner
Professor of Computer Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology





This website's first version is by Ryan Knowles and is maintained by Pat McGee.