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CSE 5800 Statistics Review

I want to review statistics from the basics through Analysis of Variance. There are lots of statistics textbooks available, including paper and on-line versions. Here are some recommended texts:

  • Our textbook, Fraenkel & Wallen, has several chapters on statistics.

  • Statistics, by James T. McClave and Frank H. Dietrich, II. Recommended by Dr. Kamel Rekab, FIT Math Sciences department. There are several copies in the library.

  • HyperStat online, has a textbook, as well as lots of links to other stuff. (There are several links to statistics humor sites. If you find anything in these sites that is actually funny, please let me know.)

    Wnat I propose to do is to use Fraenkel & Wallen, at least where I think it is reasonable. I think the best way to do this is to ask you to write solutions to the exercises at the end of each chapter, then to check them against my solutions. When you compare your solutions to my solutions, please remember that I have not yet checked any of my solutions with anyone else. If you get a different answer, please don't assume that yours are wrong and mine are right.

    I'll try to post a new chapter here every week. If you get ahead of me, feel free to ask me to hurry up.

    Here are my worked out exercises:

  • Chapter 10






This website's first version is by Ryan Knowles and is maintained by Pat McGee.