CSE 2410 Introduction to Software Engineering
Catalog Data: CSE 2410 Introduction to Software Engineering (3 credits). Presents a basis for the integration of engineering rigor and software development. Students are shown a practical yet rigorous method of going from a problem concept to a software solution. Includes requirements specification, functional specification and coding techniques using information hiding and stepwise refinement. Prerequisites: CSE 2010 or ECE 2552.
Prerequisites by Topic: Fluency in a higher level programming language, knowledge of data structures and algorithms.
Required Textbook: V. Rajlaich, “Software Engineering: The Current Practice” CRC press. ISBN 978-1-4398-4122-8.
Recommened: “1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work” Workman Publishers. ISBN 076111405X.
Course Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to
Understand process improvement and learning from previous mistakes
Identify appropriate life-cycle models for software engineering as well as their pros and cons
Understand project planning and management including effort estimation, risk analysis and personnel
Use design notations to analyze and design systems
Describe design architectures and the necessity for information hiding
Employ different strategies for testing software
Discuss professional and ethical issues of software engineering
Practice software engineering with a small group project
Topics Covered and Associated Time:
The engineering process
Feasibility, requirements, life-cycles
Estimation, project management, risk analysis
Design I -Abstraction, Information hiding, coupling, cohesion
Implementation Coding standards, stepwise refinement, reviews
Testing I -Testing methods, Integration, [some] metrics
Quality -CCM, ISO9001, debugging, fault analysis
Maintenance and eveloution-Problem reporting, ethical issues
Management -Problem solving, teams, staffing, motivation
Software tools -The future of software engineering, being a good developer
Project reviews
Class/Lab/Recitation Schedule: Three 50-minute or two 75-minute lectures per week.
Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component: 3 semester hours of engineering science and design.
Class grading and administrative policies discussed in a separate document.