International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction September 22, 2000 Held in conjunction with: Sixth International Conference on Principle and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2000), Singapore The workshop addresses modeling, formulation and solution of CSPs where variables, constraints or both are distributed among a set of independent but communicating agents. Scientific issues to be discussed at the workshop include but are not limited to: -unified frameworks for distributed CSP, -algorithms for solving distributed CSP, -privacy issues in distributed CSP, -distributed constraint propagation and consistency, -over-constrained distributed CSP, -negotiation among self-interested agents, -applications of distributed CSP. Due to the technical advances in multi-agent systems, Distributed CSPs have become a technology that fits many real applications. This workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers to make progress towards a common understanding and framework in which the approach can be developed and brought into practice. Submissions Submission deadline is July 15, 2000. Submitted papers, presenting ongoing work, shall be preferably written in English, up to 15 pages. Papers are expected in (compressed) Postscript or PDF format. The submitted papers have to be sent electronically to with the subject: "cp2000dcp Submission". We strongly encourage electronic submissions, but if this is impossible, a hard copy may be sent by post to the contact address below. Do not forget to mention your contact address and e-mail or telephone (e.g. in a footnote on the title page). Dates July 15, 2000: Paper submissions. August 10, 2000: Authors will be notified of acceptance. September 1, 2000: The final paper is due. Conference Dates: September 18 - September 22, 2000 Workshop Date: September 22, 2000 Contact Marius Calin Silaghi Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL) CH-1015 Ecublens, Switzerland Tel: +41-21-693-5209, Fax: +41-21-693-5225 Organizing Committee Marius Calin Silaghi (EPFL, Switzerland) Boi Faltings (EPFL, Switzerland) Makoto Yokoo (NTT, Japan) Djamila Sam-Haroud (EPFL, Switzerland) Christian Bessiére (LIRMM-CNRS, France)