Database Management Systems
CSE 5660

Instructor: Phil Bernhard, Ph.D.
Office: Harris Institute 311, 674-7294
Prerequisite: CSE 5260
Office Hours: TBD

Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan, Database Systems Concepts, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill.

FIT Catalog Course Description:
Includes distributed databases and networks, levels of distribution transparency, fragments and allocation of fragments and optimization.

This course will focus on the internal structure of a database management system. This will potentially include, among other things, storage and file structure, indexing and hashing, query processing, transaction processing, concurrency control, system recovery, database system architectures, parallel databases, and distributed databases.

The course will begin with Chapter 10 in the book, and continue on through as far as we can go. In general, the course will follow the book very closely. However, supplemental information will be provided as well.

There will be one midterm and a final. Both are closed book and closed notes, and both will be in-class. The date of the midterm will be determinded by our progress on the material. The final exam will be on the last day of classes. Unless arrangements are worked out in advance, missed exams cannot be made up. I understand that your job may occasionally take you out of town; so does mine. If you are going to be forced to miss class on the day of an exam then let me know ahead of time, in writing, preferably by email.

Each student will complete several assignments. Format and style of each assignment will vary. Each assignment will typically involve investigation into DBMS functionality, a one-page write-up, and discussion in class. Note that unless prior approval has been given, late assignments will not be accepted.

Final grade will be determined as follows (approximately): tardiness & attendance - 15%, assignments - 15%, midterm - 35%, and final - 35%. Please note that your grade will be determined only by your performance on the above items, and there are no extra credit assignments. In particular, details regarding your GPA, enrollment, employment, or other matters unrelated to the course will not be factored into your grade. Also note that the final exam will only be offerred on the date scheduled. Students are expected to plan accordingly.

This is an advanced graduate database course. It is assumed that students are capable of installing a DBMS, writing and executing a DDL file, loading the resulting database with data, plus writing and executing SQL queries. Students should also have an understanding of ER diagrams, relational algebra, and database design (e.g., normal forms, dependency preservation, and lossless joins).

Please see the university website for important dates!