CSE 1010 Ideas and Impact of Computing
Fall 2014, MWF 11-11:50am, Bio 120
Philip Chan
322 Harris Center, 674-7280, , Office Hours: MW 1-3pm (or by appointment)


Introduces some of the ideas in computing that have helped transform other disciplines such as digital media in communications and algorithms for DNA analysis in biology and law. Explores tools for creating software to solve diverse problems.

Audience and Pre-requisites

The target audience is freshmen and sophomores. The pre-requisite is Algebra or placed into MTH 1000 Pre-calculus. Co-requisite: MTH 1000 Pre-calculus.


None. Materials will be on the course website.

Tentative topics


Important Dates
Last day to drop Aug 29 (Fri)
Test 1 Sep 22 (Mon) [tentatively]
Last day to withdraw Oct 24 (Fri)
Test 2 Oct 27 (Mon) [tentatively]
Final exam Dec 12 (Fri), 1-3pm
