CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures
Phil Chan
209 Harris Center, 674-7280
Office Hours: MW 1-3pm (or by appointment)
Teaching Assistants:
- Samuel Boddepalli, sboddepalli2023@my.fit.edu, 211 Harris Center, office hours: Thu 12:30-2:30pm
- Rutvi Khamar, rkhamar2023@my.fit.edu, 211 Harris Center, office hours: Wed 3-5pm
- Goodrich et al., Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2014.
A Short Guide to code01.fit.edu
Lecture Notes
- Introduction
- Growing your mind
- Advice from Elon Musk
- Advice from a senior
- The power of believing that you can improve, Neuroplasticity (cartoon), Neuroplasticity (Lara Boyd)
- Don't eat the marshmallow [setup: 0:25-0:48; kids: 2:45-4:45]; Resisting the marshmallow and the success of self-control [1:25 to 3:00; if-then plan: 4:30-5:30]
- Arrays and Lists (Ch3.1-3.4)
Singly Linked Lists,
Doubly Linked Lists
- Analysis of Algorithms (Ch4.1-4.3)
Analysis of Algorithms,
How to: Prepare for a Google Engineering Interview [0:32 - 1:45 --- data structures and algorithms, time and space complexity, relative merits of multiple solutions]
- Recursion (Ch5) Recursion
- Stacks and Queues (Ch6.1-6.2) Queues, Stacks
- Trees (Ch8) Trees,
Turkducken and Trees,
- Priority Queues (Ch 9.1-9.4)
Priority Queues, Emergency Triage Scale, Google Ad Rank,
HeapSort, Obama on sorting
- Maps, Hash Tables, Sorted Maps (Ch10.1-10.4)
Hash Tables, # of Facebook users,
Skip Lists
- Graphs (Ch14) Graphs,
Depth-first Search,
Breadth-first Search,
Connectivity and Spanning Trees,
Maze-Solving Robot,
Shortest Path, Directions in Google Maps,
Minimum Spanning Tree,
Directed Graphs
- Text Processing (Ch13):
Pattern Matching,
Huffman Encoding, text compression
Longest Common Subsequence
- Search Trees (Ch11: 11.1-11.3,5) Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees,
2-4 Trees,
- Sorting (Ch12.1-12.2: MergeSort, QuickSort)
Merge Sort,
Quick Sort
- Data Structures and Algorithms: A Summary