Recommendation Systems and Netflix Prize
Spring 2007
CSE 4403-06 (CRN: 13574) Independent Study
CSE 5801-06 (CRN: ?) Independent Research
Philip Chan
242 Engineering Complex, 674-7280

Office Hours: MW 1-3pm (or by appointment)
Course WWW Page:
To improve customer experience, Netflix, an online DVD rental company,
tries to recommend relevant movies to its customers. Netflix and's recommendation systems, according to some
sources, are among the most sophisticated in the world. On Oct 2,
2006, Netflix announced the Netflix Prize and challenged
the world, with a $1 million award, to devise an algorithm that can
acheive a 10% improvement in accuracy over its current algorithm
within 5 years.
The data set for the competition contains about 1GB of data (which
is only a subset of the whole data set) and Netflix' algorithm usually
takes days to train its recommendation system. The entry from the most accurate
contestant so far has made about 6.5% improvement. Hence, the
problem is large as well as difficult.
We are going to study some of the research papers in recommendation
systems and devise algorithms to enter the competition.
Term paper
- CSE 4403: 5-7 pages
- CSE 5801: 10-12 pages
Prerequisites for CSE 4403 (undergraduate students)
- 3.5 or above in GPA and
- B or above in Data Structures (CSE 2010) and
- B or above in one of the following:
- Operating Systems (CSE 4001) or
- Analysis of Algorithms (CSE 4081) or
- Artificial Intelligence (CSE 4301)
- or instructor consent in exceptional cases
Prerequisites for CSE 5801 (graduate students)
- 3.75 or above in GPA and
- B or above in one of the following:
- Analysis of Algorithms (CSE 5211) or
- Distributed Computing (CSE 5241) or
- Artificial Intelligence (CSE 5290) or
- Machine Learning (CSE 5693)
- or instructor consent in exceptional cases
Philip Chan
Last modified: Fri Jan 5 14:18:45 EST 2007