CSE 4403-01/5401-01 Independent Study: Exploring Autonomous Mobile Robots
1-3 credits; CRN: 13577 (CSE 4403) and 13576 (CSE 5401)
First meeting Friday, Jan 14th, 4pm in 264 EC.
Independent study on building autonomous mobile robots. Three robot
kits are available for students to explore. Students should be
motivated and capable to work on their own and receive minimal
guidance. Goals will be set for the three robot teams (at most 2
students per team--at most six students can register). Prior approval
from Prof. Chan is needed before registration (max enrollment was set to
zero in the registration system). Students are selected based on the
following questionaire.
Questionaire (send to pkc@cs.fit.edu by Jan 10th, Monday)
- When did you take Data Structures and Algorithms
(CSE 2010/5020/5100 or the equivalent elsewhere)?
- Given a weighted graph, name or describe an alogrithm that finds
the shortest (least-weighted) path between two vertices
[imagine a robot needs to travel quickly from one end of the room
to the other without running into obstacles].
- Write a C/C++ function int sum(int *array, int size) that
returns the sum of the int elements in array of length
size, provide three different versions:
- iterative-index: using an index to the array elements
- iterative-pointer: using a pointer to the array elements
- recursive: using a recursive solution
- What are the differences and similarities
between a resister and a transistor?
- Did you take Artificial Intelligence (CSE 4301/5290 or
the equivalent elsewhere)?
- CSE 2010/5100 Data Structures and Algorithms
- Proficient programming in C/C++
- Some electronic knowledge/skills
- CSE 4301/5290 Artificial Intelligence is preferred but not required
What we have in the Intelligent Systems Lab (264 EC)
Possible books
- Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation, 2nd Edition,
Joseph Jones, Anita Flynn, and Bruce Seiger,
A.K. Peters, 1999; ISBN: 1-56881-097-3
- Sensors for Mobile Robots: Theory and Application,
H. R. Everrett,
A. K. Peters, 1995. ISBN: 1568810482
- Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots:
Case Studies of Successful Robot Systems,
David Kortenkamp, R. Peter Bonasso, and
Robin Murphy (Editors), 1998, MIT Press; ISBN: 0262611376
- Behavior-Based Robotics,
Ronald C. Arkin, 1998, MIT Press; ISBN: 0262011654
Labs and People
Robot supplies