Guidelines for external projects
1. Project Presentations
- Classroom: OLS 130 (auditorium)
- If you have questions on a project, send email to the listed contact.
- If you want to sign up for a project as a team or as an individual, send email to
- I suggest specifying your first choice, second choice, ...
- generally "first come first serve"
- generally teams have a higher priority than individuals
- sometimes the project proposers choose from those who signed up
- --- Mon 1/13---
- 1:20 -- [2-4 students: Peter Stelzer, Pierson Hendricks, Anthony Menendez, Christian Ott] Time Estimation -- David Luginbuhl,
- 1:30 -- [2-4 students: Matthew Goembe, Anthony Clayton, Ludendorf Bric, Ben Allerton] Web app for teaching cybersecurity -- Sneha Sudhakaran,
- 1:40 -- [2-4 students: Braden Corkum, Hashiim Batcha, Valin Vigliotti] Crowdsourcing via ChatGPT -- Marius Silaghi,
- --- Wed 1/15 ---
- 1:00 -- [2-4 students: Joshua Sheldon, Izzy MacDonald, Tanuj Kancharla] Federated learning of medical image reconstruction -- Debasis Mitra, (Joshua Sheldon,
- 1:10 -- [2-4 students: Alex Laureano, Jiahao Shu, Anthony Hordesky, Lexi Franklin] Tasteful Panthers: food recommendation at dining halls -- Philip Chan,
[2-4 students: Daniel Acosta, Luka Starcevic, Alex Merino, Chris DeMuro] Form Buster: web-based request approval and tracking-- Phil Bernhard, (Philip Chan,
- 1:20 -- [2-4 students] --
- 1:30 -- [2-4 students] --
- 1:40 -- [2-4 students] --
- ****** completed/valid teams *******
- ---- faculty-approved projects before the first day of classes for S25 ----
- ---- student-proposed projects ----
- ---- signed up as a team ----
- ---- signed up as individuals ----
2. Student-proposed Projects
- Submit your proposal as soon as possible--usually you will need several rounds of revisions from my feedback (I recommend submitting by the first of July)
- Proposals can be submitted the latest on Monday of the first week of classes (which I don't recommend because of multiple revisions, so submit by the end of July)
- Need my approval by Wednesday of the first week of classes (I don't usually approve in a few days because of multiple revisions)
- What are the three main ideas/features/reasons that your project is interesting (e.g., novel, useful, effective, faster, cheaper, or ...) to potentially a large group of people (not just you)?
More specifically:
- What are the opportunities/pains?
- Do other users feel similar "pains" and why? Ask/read 3 users/articles.
- What are the main ideas/features for improvement to create value?
- Ask 3 users if the ideas create value; if not, brainstorm with them for ideas (what about X, does X make it better?).
- Use Proposal Template to provide a proposal in slides (provide the requested content, slide design/format can be changed)
3. Competitions and Challenges