Apple's Siri: A Closer Look

(free and open to the public;
high school students/parents/teachers/administrators are particularly welcome

Philip Chan, Marius Silaghi, Joseph Casamento, and Chris Struttmann (Florida Tech)
Ryan Stansifer (Florida Tech), moderator

Jan 18, Friday, 7-8pm, Auditorium (Room 118), Olin Engineering Complex, Florida Tech

Materials from the lecture

Slides: moderator, Siri intro, speech recognition, question answering

Flyer (with Olin Engineering Complex and parking highlighted)

Directions to Florida Tech campus
Campus map (Building 36 is Olin Engineering Complex)

Press Release, Article in Florida Today

Apple's Siri is a digital personal assistant with capabilities similar to a human personal assistant. Unlike other software ("app"), it can understand and repsond to spoken questions. We will briefly explore some of the key challenges and components such as speech recognition (sound to text) and question answering (understanding a question in text and identifying answers).

About the speakers:

Philip Chan is a faculty member in computer science at Florida Tech. His main research interests are in machine learning and data mining.

Marius Silaghi is a faculty member in computer science at Florida Tech. His main research interests are in cryptography, constraint reasoning, speech recognition, and robotics.

Joseph Casamento and Chris Struttmann are seniors at Florida Tech. Their Senior Project entitled ShallowQA attempts to answer questions that are related to time.