Computer Science Camp 2009

July 13-17, 9am-3pm, EC 127/128

Number of students: 6?

Monday (July 13th)

  1. Introduction
  2. Hardware vs Software
  3. Alice tutorial 1: skating
  4. Design a skating routine: a. skate to four corners in a square; b. skate to the back (jump), front (spin), left (fall on face) and right (fall on back)
  5. Implement a skating routine
  6. Discussion

Tuesday (July 14th)

  1. What can software do? (web, email, audio, video, robots)
  2. What can't we do if we don't have computers?
  3. Activities
  4. Alice tutorial 3: adding characters; supplement: do together
  5. Design a story: add a charater, move together to the back, front, left and right
  6. Implemnent a story
  7. Discussion

Wednesday (July 15th)

  1. How can software be built? How to represent/write instructions? (languages, bytes, bits, binary vs decimal)
  2. Alice tutorial 2: adding dialogs, methods
  3. Design a story: create methods for "fall on face", "fall on back"
  4. Implement a story
  5. Discussion

Thursday (July 16th)

  1. Software (instructions) vs data (image, sound, video)
  2. Alice tutorial: create methods to change scenes, conditional, loop
  3. Design a story: blind fish finding snail
  4. Implemment a story
  5. Discussion

Friday (July 17th)

  1. How to solve problems with software? (algorithms)
  2. Alice tutorial: events for interactive movie
  3. Design a story: create whatever they like
  4. Implemment a story
  5. Discussion