Depth-First Search Algorithms for Strongly Connected Components

Raghuveer Mohan

Florida Tech


Depth-first search is a very important algorithm, commonly used for pathfinding on graphs, and in recursive search techniques. They can also be used for cycle detection, and finding the strongly connected components (SCC) of a graph, which is a partition of a graph into nodes that are mutually reachable. I will survey different algorithms for computing SCCs, including two new recent algorithms of Tarjan and Zwick [TZ24], all of which are based on depth-first search.

About the Speaker

I am a new instructor of computer science at Florida Institute of Technology. I received my Ph.D. from Clemson University under the supervision of Dr. Brian Dean in December 2016. I am fascinated by everything that involves algorithms. My research interests broadly include competitive programming, theoretical algorithms and data structures, graph theory, and computer science education. Lately, I am also venturing on projects that involve writing simple artificial intelligence agents to two player adversarial games.