IMLM-96 Schedule
(as of 7/24)
SUNDAY August 4
- 9:00-9:10am Introductory Remarks
- 9:10-11:00 Session I: Neural Nets and Related Models
- 9:10-9:30:
- ANCHOR - A Connectionist Architecture for Hierarchical Nesting
of Multiple Heterogeneous Neural Nets (Kumar and Rockett)
- 9:30-9:50:
- A Noise-Tolerant Hybrid Model of a Global and a Local
Learning Module (Oka and Yoshida)
- 9:50-10:00:
- Break
- 10:00-10:20:
- Combining Neural and Statistical Classifiers Via Perceptron
(S. Lee)
- 10:20-10:50:
- Handling Redundancy in Ensembles of Learned Models Using
Principal Components (Merz and Pazzani)
- 10:50-11:00:
- Questions & Answers
- Not presenting:
- Weight Averaging for Neural Networks and Local Resampling
Schemes (Utans)
- Nonlinear Combination of Neural Networks from a Diverse and
Evolving Population (English)
- 11:00-12:30pm Lunch
- 12:30-2:50 Session II: Hybrids
- 12:30-12:50:
- Combining Rules and Cases (Vanhoof and Surma)
- 12:50-1:10:
- The Sources of Increased Accuracy for Two Proposed Boosting
Algorithms (Skalak)
- 1:10-1:30:
- Exploiting Multiple Existing Models and Learning Algorithms
- 1:30-1:40:
- Break
- 1:40-2:10:
- Generalization Capability of Homogeneous Voting Classifiers
Based on Partially Replicated Data (Jelonek)
- 2:10-2:40:
- Integrating Multiple Classifiers by Finding Their Areas of
Expertise (Koppel and Engelson)
- 2:40-2:50:
- Questions & Answers
- 2:50-3:15 Break
- 3:15-5:00 Session III: Training Efficiency
- 3:15-3:45:
- Using Partitioning to Speed Up Specific-to-General Rule
Induction (Domingos)
- 3:45-4:15:
- A Comparative Evaluation of Combiner and Stacked
Generalization (Fan, Chan and Stolfo)
- 4:15-4:45:
- Scaling Up: Distributed Machine Learning with Cooperation
(Provost and Henessey)
- 4:45-5:00:
- Questions & Answers
MONDAY August 5
- 9:00-10:50am Session IV: Analytics
- 9:00-9:20:
- Creating and Exploiting Coverage and Diversity
(Brodley and Lane)
- 9:20-9:40:
- Classifier Combining: Analytical Results and Implications
(Tumer and Ghosh)
- 9:40-9:50:
- Break
- 9:50-10:10:
- On Voting Ensembles of Classifiers (Matan)
- 10:10-10:40:
- On Explaining Degree of Error Reduction due to Combining
Multiple Decision Trees (Ali)
- 10:40-10:50:
- Questions & Answers
- Not Presenting:
- Bayesian Model Averaging: A Review (Madigan, Raftery, Volinsky
and Hoeting)
- 10:50-12:30pm Lunch
- 12:30-2:50 Session V: Applications
- 12:30-12:50:
- Selection of Learning Algorithms for Trading Systems
Based on Biased Estimators (Obradovic and Chenoweth)
- 12:50-1:20:
- On the Integration of Ensembles of Neural Networks:
Application to Seismic Signal Classification
(Shimshoni and Intrator)
- 1:20-1:30:
- Break
- 1:30-2:00:
- Human Expert-Level Performance on a Scientific Image Analysis Task
by a System Using Combined Artificial Neural Networks
- 2:00-2:20:
- Applying Parallel Learning Models of Artificial Neural
Networks to Letters Recognition from Phonemes (B. Lee)
- 2:20-2:40:
- Learning from Multiple Models to Integrate Sensed Data
(Den Hartog, Elling, Mniszewski and Kieckhafer)
- 2:40-2:50:
- Questions & Answers
- 2:50-3:15 Break (Topics and questions for discussion are collected)
- 3:15-4:45 Discussion
Philip Chan (
Last modified: Wed Jul 24 15:18:41 EST 1996