The time series data are solenoid current measurements on a Marotta MPV-41 series valve as the valve is cycled on and off under various test conditions in a laboratory. The valves are used to control fuel flow on the Space Shuttle.
Data in zip format. For a description, see README Data File Formats.doc in the zip file.
This dataset was generously donated by Bob Ferrell, Steven Santuro, and colleagues at the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC). This project is supported by NASA (NAS10-02044).
To cite this dataset:
Ferrell, B & Santuro, S. (2005). NASA Shuttle Valve Data. .
For our experiments, we used the data in two of the directories:
V37898 V20 T22 imp045 R01s.txtwhich indicates valve serial number V37898 (always the same), 20 volts, case temperature 22C, poppet impedance of 45 mils, run 1. In our tests we consider the following to be normal:
V37898 V18 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V20 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V22 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V24 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V26 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V28 T21 R00s.txt V37898 V30 T21 R00s.txtWe train on a subset (V18, V22, V26, and V30) and test whether the remaining normal data have lower anomaly scores than those with outlier voltages (V14, V16, V32), high temperature (T69-T71) or poppet impedance (imp045, imp09).
Matt Mahoney and Phil Chan
Last modified: Sat Feb 26 11:33:36 EST 2005