Research Resources
Citeseer: Scientific Literature Digital Library
Google Scholar
ACM SIG Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Intl. Machine Learning Society
Knowledge Discovery Nuggets
ACM SIG Security, Audit and Control
Intl. Society for Computational Biology
Primer on Molecular Genetics (Dept. of Energy)
World Wide Web Consortium
KD Nuggets: Big Data, Data Mining, Data Science, and Machine Learning Resources
Educational Resources
Scholarship and Fellowship Resources
Graduate Student Resources (U Michigan)
How to Be a Good Graduate Student (Marie desJardins)
: In ACM Crossroads
Part I
Part II
Indexed version at Indiana
On writing articles
How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper
Checklist for Articles (Henning Schulzrinne)
Instructions for writing up your final project (Eric Siegel)
Proposal Guidelines (pkc)
Philip Chan
Last modified: Wed Jul 25 14:07:42 EDT 2007