Upsilon Pi Epsilon
International Honor Society for the Computer Sciences

Chapter at Florida Institute of Technology

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) was founded in 1967 at Texas A&M University. In the subsequent years, over 120 institutions of higher education around the world have established UPE chapters to honor their students; many chapters also honor faculty with membership. Florida Tech's UPE chapter (Zeta Chapter of Florida) was established in 1992.

UPE has been promoting the computing sciences and sponsoring various activities and scholarships. The Florida Tech programming team received scholarships that partially covered their trips to the finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest ( 43 out of 1,001 teams worldwide in 1996, 54 out of 1,250 in 1998, 64 out of 3,082 in 2002, 70 out of 3,850 in 2003, 103 out of 7,000+ in 2010). Also, every year, UPE sponsors the International Science and Engineering Fair--an annual competition for high school students around the world.

Membership in UPE signifies outstanding academic achievement and commitment to enhance the computer science community. The Florida Tech chapter focuses on scholarship, service, and fellowship. In conjunction with the ACM chapter, we'll plan joint lectures, trips, and social activities. Each UPE member is required to donate some time for service.


UPE and UPE/ACM Scholarhsip Awards. More information can be found at National UPE's Scholarship.

Service Ideas

Eligiblity for Invitation

Pledge upon Acceptance



Faculty Advisor: Philip Chan


Fall 2024 Fall 2023 Fall 2022 Fall 2021 Fall 2020 Fall 2019 Fall 2018 Fall 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2010 Fall 2009 Fall 2008 Fall 2007 Fall 2006

Spring 2005

Fall 2001

Spring 2000 Spring 1999 Spring 1998 Spring 1997

Spring 1996