class SimpleTime3 {
   int hour, minute;
     Multiple constructors can be convenient for the client. 

   SimpleTime3 (int h)        { this(h,0); }
   SimpleTime3 (int h, int m) { this.hour=h; this.minute=m; }

     It is often helpful for debguging to have a printable
     represenation of the value of the data structure.  It is
     traditional and useful to call such a method "toString()".
   public String toString () {
      if (hour==0 && minute==0) {
         return ("midnight");
      } else if (hour==12 && minute==0) {
         return ("noon");
      } else {
         return String.format ("%02d:%02d", hour, minute);

   public static void main (String [] args) {
      SimpleTime3 t = new SimpleTime3 (12);
      System.out.println (t);

      SimpleTime3 s = new SimpleTime3 (7,12);
      System.out.println (s.toString());

      SimpleTime3 r = new SimpleTime3 (18,53);
      System.out.println (r);
     Notice that call 'toString()' is unnecessary as
     'println()' does that for us.