import java.util.*;

  The javadoc class comment must immediately precede the class declaration.
  In particular, a package declaration or import declarations must come first.

 * The class <code>Test</code> illustrates some features of
 * javadoc.  Notice that javadoc assumes the class name and
 * can figure out the parameters in a "see" tag.
 * @version 37.41.3beta
 * @author Ryan Stansifer
 * @since 1.0

public class Test {

   /**  A field or instance variable. */
   String name;

    * Creates a new instance of the class.  The field
    * <code>name</code> is set to the string <code>"unknown"</code>.
   Test () { name="unknown"; }

    *  A pointless function that always returns <code>null</code>.
    *  @param x  the argument to this function
    *  @return   the constant <code>null</code> is always returned
    *  @see      java.lang.Object
    *  @see      #getName
    *  @see      Test#getName
   Object fun (int x) { return null; }

    *  A getter function for the field <code>name</code>.
    *  @return   the value of the field <code>name</code>.
    *  @see      #fun
   String getName () { return name; }
