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Research Activities
Harris Institute for Assured Information

The Harris Institute for Assured Information was founded in 2009 by a grant from Harris Corporation. The goal of the Center is to develop highly advanced solutions that enhance global computer security. The Harris Institute also provides solutions for commercial and government applications, including banking and finance, retail, health care, civil, and education. Research is led by faculty from various departments including Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Business, Psychology, and the Sciences as well as representatives from Harris Corporation. The Harris Institute also collaborates with the Institute for Human Machine Cognition in Pensacola & Ocala Florida. Undergraduates and graduates are typically involved with research. Projects done by the Harris Institute include the Biologically-Inspired Tactical Security Infrastructure (BITSI), a spyware resistant virtual keyboard, Behavioral virus detection, and Network traffic generation.
Director: Marco Carvalho, Ph.D.Center for Software Testing and Research
The mission of the Center of Software Testing and Research is to create effective, grounded, timely materials to support the teaching and self-study of software testing, software reliability, and quality-related software metrics. Active projects worked on by the Center include:
- Open source courseware for software testing and software-related law and ethics
- Florida Tech certificate program in software testing
- Exploratory test automation
- Application of measurement theory to software-related metrics
- Qualitative measurement and software testing
- Tests and measurements for investment modeling
BioComplex Laboratory

The BioComplex Laboratory focuses on the abstraction and modeling of real phenomena using approaches inspired from Biology as well as the use of theories from Network Science in the understanding of patterns in large datasets (Big Data).
Leading Faculty: Ronaldo Menezes, Ph.D.
Students: Hugo Barbosa-Filho (PhD), Ben Collingsworth (PhD), Pramod Divakar (PhD), Basim Mahmood (PhD), Marcos Oliveira (PhD), Diogo Pacheco (PhD), Priya Saha (PhD), Marcello Tomasini (PhD), Srividhya Venugopal (PhD), Abduljaleel Rabiei (MSc), Ross Donatelli (BSc), Vasudev Singhchawla (BSc), Scotty Ward (BSc)
Computer Vision Group
The Computer Vision Group at Florida Tech conducts research on computer vision, pattern recognition, and image and video processing. Our goal is to develop computational algorithms to help computers perform visual perception and recognition tasks. Ongoing research topics include human-motion recognition, image registration, and object recognition.
Leading Faculty: Eraldo Ribeiro, Ph.D.
Students: Wei Liu (Ph.D.), Dalwinderjeet Kular (Ph.D.), Mehdy Bohlol (Ph.D.), Jaroslav Hook (Ph.D.), Behzad Torkian (Ph.D.) Ioana Policeanu (Ph.D.), Weisi Ding (M.Sc.), Ron Roff (M.Sc.), Faisal BaDughaish (M.Sc.), Miles Walio (B.Sc.), Kimberly Day (B.Sc.), Michael Cambata (B.Sc.)
Laboratory for Learning Research
We investigate machine learning and data mining algorithms toward adaptive systems and distributed computing.
Leading Faculty: Philip Chan, Ph.D.Other Research Information
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