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Computer Science Comprehensive Examination Policies
Students in the Master of Science in Computer Science program who elect not to write a thesis must pass comprehensive examinations during the last term they are registered as a student as a partial requirement to earn the degree.
This document outlines the policies established by the Florida Tech Computer Science faculty on the content and logistics of these examinations.
Comprehensive Examination Logistics
Comprehensive examinations are given during the last three weeks of Fall and Spring semesters.
Questions on the comprehensive examinations should be directed to the Comprehensive Examination Coordinator at or the Computer Science Department Head at .
M.S. Computer Science Examination Policy
Comprehensive exams will be offered for five different areas of study:
Students are required to pass three of the Comprehensive exams. A passing score for a comprehensive exam is 70 or higher. Students who have earned a B or better in a course in one of these areas and retain their understanding of the topics, should be adequately prepared to pass that portion of the comprehensive exam. Students are not required to take a course in each of these areas.All three exams must be passed in a single examination period (fall or spring of a given year). A student may sit for the exams on 3 separate occasions. Students have the option any time up until their third exam sitting to instead choose to write a thesis.
See the Florida Tech Graduate Policy Manual for additional information on Comprehensive Examinations.
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