Educational Assessment Processes
Mission Assessment
Our mission is developed by the faculty, vetted by the dean and members of our Computing Alliance. Our mission is communicated to our students and the public through the University catalog, the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Web site, and the department's web site.
Our mission is subject to change when the mission of Florida Tech or the College of Engineering changes. Otherwise, it is reviewed by the faculty and the Computing Alliance every few years. A fundamental premise is that the academic component of our mission will be fulfilled provided our educational objectives are met.
Educational Objectives
Our educational objectives reflect achievements expected of students within a few years after graduation. The department faculty are responsible for determining and developing program educational objectives in consultation with our constituents. The society of computing professionals, as represented by agencies such as the ACM, IEEE/CS, and CRA, and accrediting agencies (ABET, SACS) provide an important source for conceptualization of educational objectives.
Educational objectives are vetted by the department's faculty as a whole, the dean's office, and members of the Florida Tech Computing Alliance.
Once approved, detailed educational objectives are published in the university catalog, on Florida Tech's Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Web site and on the department's web site.
Objectives Assessment Strategy
Achievement of educational objectives is measured by means of:
- An alumni survey that is conducted every two years and distributed to alumni who graduated three (3) and six (6) years ago.
- The Florida Tech Computing Alliance reviews the objectives and provide their assessment of how well the objectives are being met.
- An employer survey has been developed to assess objectives, yet no efficient manner for widely implementing it has been conceived.
Results of these measures are collected into reports that are distributed to the department's faculty, the dean's office, members of the Florida Tech Computing Alliance, and the general public by posting on the department's web site. Areas of concern are brought to the attention of appropriate individuals or committees.
Educational Outcomes
Our educational outcomes reflect capabilities expected of students at the time of graduation. The department faculty are responsible for determining and developing educational outcomes of our programs in consultation with our constituents. The society of computing professionals provide an important source for conceptualization of educational outcomes.
Educational outcomes are vetted by the department's faculty as a whole, the dean's office, and members of the Florida Tech Computing Alliance.
Once approved, detailed educational outcomes are published on the department's web site. Educational outcomes are measures at the course and program level, as described below. The results of these measures are collected into reports that are distributed to the department's faculty, the dean's office, members of the Florida Tech Computing Alliance, and the general public by posting on the department's web site. Areas of concern are brought to the attention of the appropriate individual or committee, for example, the department's curriculum committee, with the charge to suggest improvements that may lead to better outcomes.
Course Level Assessment
Outcomes are assessed at the course level by instructors who evaluate student performance on homework problems, programming and other projects, essays, oral presentations, and quizzes, tests, or examinations.
- At the end of each term, course instructors complete a course assessment survey that asks have students achieved each course objective and what improvements could be made the next time the course is offered.
- At the end of each term, course students complete a course assessment survey that asks have students achieved each course objective and what improvements could be made the next time the course is offered.
- Based on course assessment by instructors, students, and course coordinators, suggestions for improving courses are considered and implemented. If the proposed changes affect other courses, they are vetted by the department's curriculum committee and submitted for approval by the entire faculty.
Program Level Assessment
Outcomes are assessed at the program level by the department using several methods.
- Graduating seniors are asked to respond to a survey providing a self-evaluation regarding their proficiency with respect to the established educational outcomes. Results of the senior survey are collected and analyzed by the department and faculty.
- The department's Curriculum Committee is responsible for reviewing changes to educational programs and making recommendations to the department for approval. The Curriculum Committee functions as a clearinghouse for program curricular concerns raised, primarily by faculty, but by any and all constituents of the department. All significant changes approved by the department are submitted to the Dean of the College of Engineering and the University Curriculum Committee for approval.
- Each member of the faculty maintains an "Outcome Notebook" of student work that shows the level of achievement of students with respect to outcomes.
- The Florida Tech Computing Alliance meets as a group each February. One charge is to provide evaluation and guidance of academic program objectives and outcomes.
Master of Science Programs
Educational Outcomes
In accordance with Florida Tech's Graduate Programs Policies, each Master's level student must take and pass a "Final Program Examination," which may be a comprehensive examination or a master's thesis.
Doctor of Philosophy Program
The department conducts a survey of students enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science degree program every spring. The survey instrument and survey results are available from the department's web page under the Academics link.