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Revision 8d146689

Parent 5fe05464
Child 6b99fd23

Added by Ben Noordhuis over 11 years ago

zlib: reduce memory consumption, release early

In zlibBuffer(), don't wait for the garbage collector to reclaim the zlib memory
but release it manually. Reduces memory consumption by a factor of 10 or more
with some workloads.

Test case:

function f() {
require('zlib').deflate('xxx', g);
function g() {
setTimeout(f, 5);

Observe RSS memory usage with and without this commit. After 10,000 iterations,
RSS stabilizes at ~35 MB with this commit. Without, RSS is over 300 MB and keeps

Cause: whenever the JS object heap hits the high-water mark, the V8 GC sweeps
it clean, then tries to grow it in order to avoid more sweeps in the near
future. Rule of thumb: the bigger the JS heap, the lazier the GC can be.

A side effect of a bigger heap is that objects now live longer. This is harmless
in general but it affects zlib context objects because those are tied to large
buffers that live outside the JS heap, on the order of 16K per context object.

Ergo, don't wait for the GC to reclaim the memory - it may take a long time.

Fixes #4172.


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