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main_repo / lib / cluster.js @ b0c0111b

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# Date Author Comment
93d4259c 07/06/2012 10:28 PM Jonas Westerlund

Avoid redeclaring variable

Capitalize the constructor to avoid redeclaration.
Fixes strict mode error.

1e0ce5d1 06/15/2012 12:49 PM Andreas Madsen

domain: the EventEmitter constructor is now always called in nodecore

c2c08196 06/14/2012 12:32 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: rename worker.unqiueID to

e733dc3b 06/13/2012 03:24 PM isaacs

Fix #3388 Support listening on file descriptors

This implements server.listen({ fd: <filedescriptor> }). The fd should
refer to an underlying resource that is already bound and listening, and
causes the new server to also accept connections on it.

Not supported on Windows. Raises ENOTSUP.

81a4edcf 05/21/2012 05:27 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: remove NODE_UNIQUE_ID from env on startup

In case a worker would spawn a new subprocess with process.env, NODE_UNIQUE_ID
would have been a part of the env. Making the new subprocess believe it is a
worker, this would result in some confusion if the subprocess where to listen to...

3d84c3db 05/05/2012 06:20 PM isaacs

More cluster event consistency

Regarding discussion in #3198. Passing the worker as an argument
to an event emitted on the worker is redundant, and an unnecessary
break in consistency vs the events on the ChildProcess objects.

It was removed from 'exit', but 'listening' and others were...

a62dd44b 05/04/2012 08:28 PM J. Lee Coltrane

cluster: worker exit event to match child_process

test: fixes due to new cluster api.

- changed worker `death` to `exit`.
- corrected argument type expected by worker `exit` handler.

test: more tests of cluster.worker death

cluster: fixed arguments on worker 'exit' event...

d73b257d 04/05/2012 07:44 PM Zachary Scott

docs: grammar and spelling on lib/cluster.js

90ce5b3d 03/30/2012 03:59 PM isaacs

cluster: Rename 'death' back to 'exit'

dce86828 03/19/2012 05:28 PM isaacs

cluster: English language fixing

94d337eb 03/19/2012 05:22 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: kill workers when master dies

This patch will kill the worker once it has lost its connection with the parent.
However if the worker are doing a suicide, other measures will be used.

d927fbc9 03/19/2012 04:29 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: add graceful disconnect support

This patch add a worker.disconnect() method there will stop the worker from accepting
new connections and then stop the IPC. This allow the worker to die graceful.
When the IPC has been disconnected a 'disconnect' event will emit....

19fd5301 03/15/2012 04:47 PM Micheil Smith

Expose original argv as process.execArgv for cluster and child_process.fork()

c6c6f98f 02/20/2012 03:58 PM Maciej MaƂecki

util: add `util._extend` for extending objects

There were 2 duplicates with such functionality in `cluster` and
`child_process` modules which were replaced by this function.

0cdf85e2 02/18/2012 06:34 PM isaacs

Lint all the JavaScripts.

1595a6e8 02/06/2012 05:54 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: use process.disconnect method

After adding a .disconect method and connected flag in child_process
we should no longer use the process._channel object.

a2087204 02/06/2012 05:54 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster: simplify process event handling

This simplify the internalMessage and exit event handling
And simply relay message and error event to the worker object
Note that the error event was not relayed before

f9a47deb 01/20/2012 04:09 PM Andreas Madsen

Add cluster.setupMaster

Fixes #2470

c8108aad 01/11/2012 03:59 AM Andreas Madsen

child_process: fix typo in internal message event name

e2f1e50c 01/05/2012 03:31 AM Andreas Madsen


fixes #2465

5f08c3cf 01/04/2012 09:30 PM Andreas Madsen

cluster improvements: Worker class and isolate internal messages

Fixes #2388

3966e4e7 12/19/2011 04:25 PM Andreas Madsen

Remove debug console.log and optimize object copy

Fixes #2380

07b19973 12/19/2011 03:34 PM Andreas Madsen

Add env argument to cluster.fork

Fixes 2378

a599aeb2 12/16/2011 03:57 PM Andreas Madsen


Fixes #2306

4e2343c6 11/11/2011 02:24 PM Ryan Dahl

Fixes #2073. Cluster should be silent.

0fa3cf94 11/08/2011 08:07 PM Ryan Dahl

Remove 'report this bug' message from cluster master

da9bf0ee 11/08/2011 08:03 PM Ryan Dahl

Fixes #2047. Fill workers array immediately after fork

105d1787 11/08/2011 02:29 AM Ben Noordhuis

cluster: fix call to undefined function

d42006c8 11/04/2011 06:14 PM Ryan Dahl

cluster: Remove eachWorker, workerCount


86528489 11/04/2011 06:12 PM Ryan Dahl

new cluster api

189dd8f8 11/04/2011 11:24 AM Bert Belder

Fix line endings and trailing whitespace

528c2858 10/26/2011 07:42 PM Tj Holowaychuk

cluster: Add some docs, improve cluster.isWorker()

Fixes #1949.

c5d54010 10/26/2011 04:50 PM Ryan Dahl

node cluster is now a module instead of CLI interface

This is to make room for master process plugins instead of adding CLI
options as proposed in #1879.

87339a22 10/12/2011 05:58 AM Ryan Dahl

introduce node cluster