Marius Silaghi --- PhD

Computer Sciences Department

L3HarrisIA 207


MELY: DisCSP platform with sockets (2000), works correctly only with java 2.2!
RMI: (the older version, with RMI, 1998)
SMC: secure DisCSP solver, stable version (spring 2004). Service restarted February, 2007. It was interrupted for a while by an FIT firewall and changes in server OS
SMC2: unstable version (fall 2004) supporting stable-marriages problems

Selected Publications (by topic)

Peer Reviewing: (see problem, WOWCS08, questions) CompleNet2014, WDC2013, IIB2012, PR2009, TR2009.

Efficiency Metrics for DCR
: prove that checks are often not good for DCR and provide
        a way to verify if a metric is correct
        OPTMAS08(the criteria), DCR08(the motivation), AAAI08-submission (Jan 2008) ,AAMAS08-submission (Oct 2007)

DPCOPs: introducing Distributed Private Constraint Optimization Problems
        DCR08 (the framework), OPTMAS08 (benchmarks with stable matchings)

ADOPT-ng: Asynchronous Distributed OPTimization based on valued nogoods
JAAMAS07-submission , JAIR 2006-submission (details), DCR 2007 (better versions), DCSP 2006 (ordering), AAMAS 2006 (multiple feedback), IOS'05 (consistency maintenance)

Privacy: in Distributed Constraint Reasoning (see DCR Tutorial)
FLAIRS 2004 (advanced details), DCR 2002 (details), IAT'01 (application), AA 2000 (introduction)
Cryptographic Protocols
AiMath06 / IAT'04 (optimization problems), DCR'06 (incomplete), WI'04, AAMAS'04 (analysis), DCR'03 (introduction)
Stable matchings
DCSP'06 (efficiency), FLARS'05 / CP'04-IACP workshop (introduction)
DCR'05 (stochastic), AAMAS'04 (cryptographic), AAMAS'02 (idea), DCR'01 (security)
Meeting Scheduling: CP'04

DisCSPs: Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
Consistency Maintainance and Aggregation
AI Journal'05 (details), CP 2001 (consistency maintenance), AAAI 2000 (aggregation)
Ordering dynamically
IAT 2006 (details), AAMAS 2002, DCR 2001, IAT 2001 (introduction)

Speech Recognition:
INTERSPEECH 2005, (analysis), ICASSP 2000 (introduction)

CSPs: Constraint Satisfaction
Continuous CSPs (nonlinear systems of equalities and inequalities)
COCOS 2003 (advanced), AI 2001 (introduction)
Discrete CSPs (consistency and backtracking)
RFIA'00 (details), (introduction)

More Publications (by date)